Natsu-matsuri  (tentative)

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Natsu-matsuri (provisional title)

In making process
A girl moved to a certain town, came to a summer festival in the neighborhood with her grandmother. She was so excited in lively people and the unfamiliar food stalls. She lost sight of her grandmother before knew it. 

Sclipt and Directed by Kiyama Mizuki

Superviser, Producer: Koji Yamamura
Production, Distribution: Au Praxinoscope

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Director: KIYAMA Mizuki

Born in Osaka, Japan. In 2019, received master's degree from the department of animation at Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and New Media. “Bath House of Whales”, MFA degree work was Selected Lotte Reiniger Promotion Award, from Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film 2020. After working for animation studio, became a freelancer.
» Kiyama Mizuki

    On Fridays & Saturdays
Au Praxinoscope
7-13-11 Okusawa 
Setegaya-ku, Tokyo