Au Praxinoscope GALLERY

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Ryo Orikasa, Drawings

April 22nd ~ July 29th, 2017
We hold an original drawings by Ryo Orikasa, an acclaimed animation artist who expresses the relationship between words and letters and images with experimental animation.
Ryo Orikasawho has won numerous awards at the international animation film festival of the world attracts attention not only in the animation related person but also in contemporary art world. Through this exhibition, we will approach the secret of the transformation of Orikasa who runs the tip of independent animation, the image swaying between meaning and figure.
Exhibits and sales of original drawings and drawings used for animation work, exhibition and sale of 23 drawings, as well as books and creative process diagrams that triggered creation.

Talk Event: Ryo Orikasa
Ryo Orikasa × Koji Yamamura
April 29 (Sat) 17:00-17:40
Venue: Au Praxinoscope Gallery, free admission

折笠 良

Ryo Orikasa

Born in Ibaraki, Japan, 1986. Graduated from Ibaraki University, College of Education, 2009. Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate school of Film and New Media, Department of Animation, 2011. Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan, Emerging Artist Oversea Study Grant recipient, Canada (La Cinémathèque québécoise, Montréal), Japanese Government, 2015-2016. "Datum Point" (2015) received several awards include the Ōfuji Noburō Award, The Mainichi Film Awards 2015, the Golden Zagreb Award, Animafest Zagreb 2016, the Best Experimental or Abstract Animation Award, Ottawa International Animation Festival 2016. Lives and works in Ibaraki, Japan.

Art Works

by Ryo Orikasa in Japan

Scripts volant
Scripts volant / Writings Fly Away
Adapted from Oscar Wilde’s novel “The Happy Prince”. Standing between watching and reading through this film, which is a cinema using text or a text as a cinema. (2011)

Scripts volant / Writings Fly Away (2011)
Scripts volant / Writings Fly Away
Drawing on paper, 2011

Datum Point
Datum Point
Yoshiro Ishihara (1915–1977), who burst upon the scene of Japanese modern poetry in the mid-1950s, is now remembered as a “poet of silence.
”He said “A poem is an impulse to resist writing.” This is an attempt to seek out the landscape from his poem. (2015)

水準原点 / Datum Point ドローリング
Datum Point
Drawing on paper, 2015

Notre chambre
Notre chambre / Echo Chamber
Cy Twombly, Roland Barthes, what are they doing? This is a journal about seductions and sufferings of the text. (2016)

Notre chambre
Notre chambre / Echo Chamber
Drawing on paper, 2016

Phantom Table
Phantom Table
Drawing on paper, 2016

    On Fridays & Saturdays
Au Praxinoscope
7-13-11 Okusawa 
Setegaya-ku, Tokyo